
check out our news & events tabs for the latest goings on and successes of our awesome cowboys and cowgirls!

We hold matches on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

Registration begins at 9:00 AM (in the Clubhouse), Warm-Up Stage on Bay 4 starts around 9:30 and the Safety Meeting on the range at 9:45 AM.

We will be collecting $1.00 for each warm-up entry; this will go toward a new club timer.     

We shoot 6 Stages straight through, then tear-down with scores to follow.

New shooters are welcome!

Doc Holliday's Monthly Sign Up

Download it, bring it to the match!

DHI Monthly Sign Up (PDF)

Doc Holliday's Yearly Membership Forms/Fees

DHI Membership form (PDF)

Shooting Categories including Test Categories

SASS Shooter’s Handbook Version 25.1

Summer Dress Code (in effect June - August)

Option to wear lighter/shorter clothes

Must wear AT LEAST Cowboy Boots and Hat